Are you ever overwhelmed by trying to keep up with the changes all around us?
From news cycles to technology to social media, it feels like as soon as you learn something new, it’s changed and you’ve got to figure it out all over again.
The construction industry is also a constantly evolving field, and contractors face new and varied challenges on a daily basis. There’s no shortage of construction industry issues that can arise, but some challenges are more commonly encountered than others. Here are the top five issues that contractors face in the construction industry — and how to rise to the challenge!
5 Common Challenges for Contractors
- Good Help Is Hard to Find (And Keep!)
It’s no secret that the construction industry is facing a shortage of skilled labor. Employment has always been an issue in our industry. However, in talking with contractors across the industry, we’ve heard this current generation described as less “hands-on.”

Finding workers with specialized skills can be challenging — and being able to retain those employees on a project can be even more difficult! This can be a real problem for contractors trying to complete projects on time and within budget.
How can we recruit new people into the field? How do we make it worth their while to stay with our teams?
Solution: Investing in training and development programs for your existing employees can help keep skills in your company AND recruit new workers with the skills you need for specific projects. Our EPAC Department of Labor-certified apprenticeship program provides education and work hours for certification in one of 22 different fields. This can help our members attract, train, and keep skilled employees.
- Managing Costs
With the cost of materials and labor constantly fluctuating, it can be difficult for contractors to accurately estimate project costs and stay within budget! Managing costs is a major construction industry issue for many businesses.
Solution: Construction project management software is a powerful tool for tracking expenses and adjusting project budgets as needed. Another way to manage costs is to maintain a good relationship with suppliers. A positive relationship (like the connections made at EPAC) can open doors for negotiation and better prices for materials.
- Safety First!
As contractors, safety is at the forefront of our minds. However, maintaining compliance with safety regulations is an ongoing construction industry issue that many businesses face.
Solution: Contractors can meet the safety challenge with confidence by investing in safety training and equipment — and by having a dedicated safety officer on staff to ensure that all safety protocols are being followed.
At EPAC, we know you take safety seriously. We partner with OSHA to provide training and outreach to our members.
- Adapting to New Technology
Like the rest of the world, the construction industry is rapidly changing — with new technologies emerging every day. Contractors need to be aware of these new technologies and find out how this tech can be used to improve project efficiency and reduce costs.
Solution: Community is powerful. Joining a community of contractors is a way to face construction industry issues together. A community of peers can provide access to information and resources about new technologies. As contractors, we can help each other and all benefit from connections within the industry.
- Dealing with Delays and Change Orders
Delays and change orders can significantly affect the cost and time of a project. Work that’s added or removed from a project’s original scope can make it difficult for contractors to meet deadlines and stay within budget.
Solution: Construction project management software doesn’t only help with expenses — it’s also a tool to track progress and identify potential delays early on! This software can help you be prepared with a contingency plan to minimize the impact of delays and change orders.

Meet and overcome challenges with confidence
As an industry, we face many challenges on a day-to-day basis. However, we can address (and overcome) these common construction industry issues with community, access to resources and information, and collaboration with other industry professionals.
At EPAC, we’re committed to connecting El Paso’s construction industry with the resources, community, and information needed to thrive — and overcome whatever challenge may come.