The Canutillo Independent School District bond will allocate $187.5 million to all schools throughout the district in El Paso, Tex. The CISD Board of Trustees voted to proceed with the proposed bond due to rapid growth in the district; the bond is designed to meet the current needs of students and adapt to the modern educational environment we see today. The funds in the bond will focus directly on improving technology, security, and storage, in addition to adding extra space in the district’s schools over the next seven years. But $187.5 million is a lot of money. How will this affect your taxes?
It won’t — that’s the best part! This is due to three reasons: 1) The significant building development inside the district has increased the property value such that enough money is generated, 2) Interest rates are at all-time lows, and the district anticipates generating enough revenue at the current tax rate to pay off lower-interest debt, and 3) CISD’s annual debt payments are scheduled to decline over time as the district pays down its debt — the district anticipates being able to use the freed-up funds to continue paying off debt from the Canutillo ISD bond.

The dual-proposition bond has been three months in the making, and under Proposition A, it will use $177.5 million to fund the following projects:
Expansion and Development
- A new career and technology building at Canutillo High School
- Additional wing added to Reyes Elementary School to alleviate overcrowding
- Land purchase and construction of a new Alderete Middle School
- Relocation of permanent building for Northwest Early College High School
- Multipurpose buildings for four elementary campuses
- Repurposing of Alderete Middle School to house new location of Lone Star building offices and central office
- Surplus storage facility
- Land purchase for future elementary school
District-Wide Facility and Campus Improvements and Safety
- Baseball/softball playfields at middle schools
- Canutillo High School baseball/softball lights
- Artificial turf on middle school football fields
- Protective canopies at Canutillo High School bus pick-up
- Elementary school bus driveways
- District-wide hazmat abatement
Under Proposition B, $10 million will allow for the “refinancing of funds borrowed for resources needed for remote instruction due to the pandemic,” according to the official Canutillo ISD Bond website. This includes computers, lighting, and support for Canutillo Connect, a digital community that provides universal internet access.
What this means for EPAC

So why are we telling you about the Canutillo ISD bond? If this bond passes, it won’t just benefit students across the district; it will also greatly benefit El Paso contractors! By voting in favor of the bond, you aren’t just putting money in the schools — it will be used to hire many local construction workers, plumbers, electricians, and others. By voting in favor of this bond, contracting jobs will be consistently created for nearly a decade.